Our policy lasts 14 days. If 14 days have gone by since you received the item/s, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. Returning products because of differences from what was ordered or any product defects will be authorized by Lounr. within two days of delivery.




Return Fees

Days to Return

Warehouse mistake

Differences from what was ordered / product defects / different size

Full refund + Shipping back to warehouse


14 Days after receiving the package

The customer regretted

Customer wants to return from their own reasons

The buyer pays the shipping back to our warehouse & customs clearance (if applied)

14 Days after receiving the package


Customer that want to return for his own reasons needs to pay the shipping to our warehouse, the shipping price will be returned only for orders that are not as described.

* If any customs fee will be paid from our side due to the return, the funds will not be refunded.

In order to return such items, customers must contact Lounr. by this email: support@Lounr.com

Such emails should include the order number. The customer must also provide photographic evidence for any defected products.

The return shipment will be borne by the customer and should always be shipped back with an active tracking number. The receiver is always responsible to claim/accept the package and any additional fees for orders being returned for not being claimed or picked up is covered by the customer.

The product, along with its original packaging, as well as any other items received must be sent to Lounr. in order to protect it from damage.

Any agreed refunds will be made by the payment processor within 2 working days of receipt of goods.